SBI PO Quantitative Aptitude Quiz: 12th May Set 20

Directions (1-5): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?  
Q1. 7960 + 2956 – 8050 + 4028 = ?

? = 6894

Q2. 25 × 3.25 + 50.4 ÷ 24 = ?

? = 81.25 + 2.1
= 83.35

Q3. 350% of ? ÷ 50 +248 = 591

350 × ?/100 × 1/50 = 343
? = 4900

Q4. 1/2 of 3842+15% of ? =2449

1/2×3842+15/100 ×? = 2449
? = (528×100)/15
? = 3520

Q5. (833.25 – 384.45) ÷ 24 = ?

? = 448.8/24
? = 18.7

Q6- There are 5 Red pens, 4 Black pens & 3Green pens in a bag. Four pens are chosen at random 
Quantity I: The probability of being 2 Red pens and 2 Black pens. 
Quantity II: The probability of being 2 Red pens, 1 Green pen & 1 blacks pen.

 Quantity I > Quantity II
 Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
 Quantity II > Quantity I
 Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
 Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
Quantity I. (5C2 * 4C2)/12C4 = 60/495 = 4/33  
Quantity II. (5C2 * 4C1 * 3C1)/12C4 = 120/495 = 8/33
Quantity II > Quantity I

Q7. The difference between Circumference of circle A and diameter is 90 cm. If Radius of Circle B is 7 cm less than circle A then find area of Circle B? 

 556 cm²
 616 cm²
 588 cm²
 532 cm²
 630 cm²
Let radius of circle A be r cm
2πr – 2r = 90
r = 21 cm
Radius of circle B=14 cm
Area of circle B= 616 cm²